How Social Connections Affect Your Lifestyle? Characteristics and Signs of Healthy Relationships

Signs of Healthy Relationships for a Healthy Lifestyle

Signs of Healthy Relationships for a Healthy Lifestyle

How to Have a Healthy Relationship? | Good Communication | Signs of a Healthy Relationship | Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship | Social Connections and Lifestyle 

The most profound of life’s experiences come from the connections we have with other human beings, considering we are social by nature. Healthy connections (or relationships) nurture mutual respect, love, honesty, trust and effective open communication. These relationships make you feel confident and are your source of positive energy. Learning how to communicate constructively and being a support system for people when they seek help or guidance makes relationships healthier.

There are no specific rules or regulations to figure out what ‘type’ of relationships works, but violence, abuse and controlling behaviors can never be a part of a healthy relationship.

Throughout our lives, the situation and status of our social connections may affect our own mental and physical health. There are a number of potential benefits that can be derived from good social connections, including lower rates of anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem and greater empathy. In this blog, let’s discuss more about how to maintain healthy relationships.

How to Maintain Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships are associated with increased enjoyment and happiness, improved physical/mental health and reduced levels of stress. Research indicates that people whom are involved in robust social connections have less stress and enjoy life more than those who don’t. However, with that explained, it takes time and effort to build good relationships, which is what one should aim for. It is also important to keep in mind that no relationship is perfect, but it is healthy if it doesn’t perpetually leave you feeling empty, worn out, or resentful.

Here are a few ways in which you can build (or maintain) healthy relationships with your friends and loved ones:

Keep Realistic Expectations

Having unrealistic expectations from people around us (for example, wanting your spouse to be with you all of their free time instead of engaging in other activities with friends or having their own independent pursuits) rarely ever ends well. Healthy relationships are built by accepting people the way they are, respecting their different ideologies and opinions and by not trying to change them according to our own needs.

Listen Carefully

Any deep or significant relationship can only be cultivated through listening to each other. Everyone needs a good listener in their lives and it validates one’s experiences to relay your perspective, ideas and feelings to another. Listen to them (your family and friends) carefully and with interest. Minimize interruptions unless they seek advice or ask you for your opinion. People can make mistakes when engaging in listening if the intention is for negative judgement or with their own specific goal in mind.

Be Clear of What You Want

As mentioned, communication is important with any relationship whether friend, family member or partner and a clearly relayed message often assures that the other person understands what’s going on and what you actually need them to understand. In intimate relationships be clear first about what you personally need before you can express them to a partner then let them know clearly what they can do for that need to be satisfied. Assertive communication plays an important role. Instead of using accusatory ‘YOU’ statements, focus on ‘I’ statements and always respect the other person’s perspective, even if you disagree with it. Assertive communication is a middle ground for passive & aggressive communication, and falls under the category of a diplomatic communication style.

Show Affection and Appreciation

Showing affection and appreciation in any relationship will make the other person feel good and know that you care about them. Some relationships ‘lose their spark’ after a while when they become ‘routine’. Therefore, it is encouraged to make quality time for your relationships, and be affectionate towards them. Showing your appreciation encourages the other person to put more effort into maintaining that bond.

Good Communication is the Key

It cannot be emphasized enough: good communication is essential for a healthy relationship. Keep it simple by sharing your feelings and not hiding important details from your family and friends. Communicate when you are upset with them, tell them when you miss them and ask questions if you have any doubts in your mind. Being clear about your needs from the relationship will help with maintaining a stronger bond.

Share Information

Sharing information helps in the early stages of a relationship. Let people know about you, your likes and your dislikes but don’t overwhelm them with too much information at the same time. Though every relationship is different, you can still share the ‘kind’ of information that suits your relationship best (we usually share profound secrets with those we trust the most-not everyone).

Red flags are warning signs of abusive, unhealthy or manipulative behavior. Some red flags in relationships include:

healthy relationships: red flags relationship

Summary: Healthy bonds have been linked to increased happiness, improved health and reduced levels of stress. Simple efforts to make your relationships and social connections better include keeping your expectations realistic, communicating openly and direct, being a good listener, giving and receiving affection, and showing you appreciate the other person.  

What Are Signs of a Healthy Relationship?

A healthy relationship involves honesty, respect and open communication between partners or friends. A good relationship, therefore, takes effort and compromise from both ends. Partners or friends in healthy relationships respect the needs of the other, knowing that every individual is independent and has a right to make their own decisions without judgement or fear of the other.

Some traits of a healthy relationship include:

  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Communication
  • Mutual understanding
  • Shared and individual interests
  • Honesty
  • Care
  • Love
  • Emotional support
characteristics of healthy relationships

Your relationships with the people around you greatly impact your lifestyle, as these relationships can either create a balance in your life or worsen it with negativity. Even though every connection is different, some characteristics happen to be a part of every healthy relationship:

  • Respecting each other’s privacy and space, knowing the other person doesn’t have to be with you 24/7
  • Being comfortable around one another the way you are, not putting on a front
  • Ability to express opinions and concerns to the other person
  • Encouraging each other to spend time with other friends and participating in things you enjoy individually
  • Respecting one another’s wishes, needs, emotions and being ready to compromise or negotiate during conflict

Summary: A good relationship takes effort, time and compromise from both individuals. It is based on compassion, empathy, love, trust, honesty, care and emotional support. In every relationship, friends or partners should respect each other’s boundaries, privacy, emotions, needs and concerns.

How Do Social Connections Affect Health and Lifestyle?

Having little to no social connections can drastically affect your quality of life, with consequences to your mental health and wellbeing. Isolation or the absence of social connections may lead to disrupted sleep patterns, increased blood pressure and even elevated levels of cortisol (the stress hormone). Older people are more vulnerable to poor social connections as mobility decreases with age, making it harder to participate in activities and step out for social gatherings, or loved ones and friends die or move away.  With that said, elderly individuals who have strong social connections are more likely to: 

  • Have good quality of life
  • Be more satisfied with their experiences
  • Have a lower risk of developing dementia and other neuro-degenerative diseases
  • Need comparatively less domestic support

An individual’s physical well-being is directly related to his/her quality of life. Similarly, healthy social connections are directly associated with a healthier lifestyle. To summarize, social connections are related to better physical and mental health, which most likely inspires a healthier lifestyle.

Nubian Doc’s 8-Week Health Plan disseminates information that helps you maintain a lifestyle of informed choices- specifically regarding your mental and physical wellness.

characteristics of an unhealthy relationship

Tips to Build and Maintain Strong Social Connections

Does the thought of communicating with people make you anxious or nervous?

Regardless of the innate desire for social connections it may not be easy for some people. Here are some general guidance to help overcome those challenges:

Be Kind and Be Yourself

This can also be modified into ‘be kind to yourself’. You are not going to make best friends with people the moment you step into an art class, or transfer to a work assignment. Sometimes, it will be hard to interact with people, and at other times it will be easy due to factors outside of your control. In any case, be kind and affectionate towards yourself, and give yourself credit for trying. No one and no situation is perfect so there is no need for self- comparisons.

Look for Opportunities to Interact with People Having Similar Interests and Pursuits 

Joining a yoga class, helping out at the community center or joining a healthy group activity in your local neighborhood are all ways you can connect to and interact with people. Look for organization, etc. You should participate in activities that you care and are interested in.

Start with Existing Relationships

We all owe our efforts and time to the relationships that we want to keep in our lives, so try and reconnect with those whom you once felt comfortable with. Over time, we lose connection due to work and responsibilities. Email them, drop a message on their social media, write them a letter (if you’re a baby boomer or gen x-er) or make a quick call to get in touch. This may help you overcome your anxiety for initiating future relationships.

Summary: Regardless of the numerous health benefits of strong social connections, some people are still hesitant of walking into a room full of people and interacting. Get involved in social activities that you enjoy to make it easier and be kind to yourself.

With Nubian Doc, you can explore how to build and maintain healthy social connections by following some simple tips included in this blog.

is your relationship healthy?

Bottom Line: Healthy Relationships

Good relationships are an important part of a healthy life. Research focused on physical and mental health indicate better outcomes for people who have strong social connections, and an associated reduced risk of mortality. For a healthier lifestyle, focus on your relationships and strengthening your bond with your family and friends. A relationship will always have healthy and unhealthy characteristics, but the bad should never outweigh the good. If a relationship, however, brings you more stress and discomfort rather than happiness, it can be characterized as an unhealthy one. In a good relationship, mutual respect and good communication skills are important binding factors.

Setting healthy boundaries, having mutual respect and showing affection/appreciation for small gestures can help in building lasting relationships. Mental and physical benefits of a social life, coupled together, bring a balance in your life.

Interested in exploring avenues that lead towards better mental and physical health? Visit NubianDoc website and read our educational blogs catering to nutrition, diet, exercise and a healthier lifestyle.

What are 5 basic traits of a healthy relationship?

Trust, honesty, empathy, working through disagreements by respecting different opinions and listening/feeling heard are some of the basic traits of a healthy relationship.

How to know if I am in a healthy relationship?

If you know you can count on someone and turn to them for help when you are struggling or need support, you have a healthy relationship with them. Other signs of a healthy relationship include trust, honesty, respect and good communication (the basic essentials).

What are some relationship red flags?

Some red flags in relationships include signs of aggression, narcissism, mental/physical abuse and victimization. To figure out if you have suffered from any of these symptoms, seek professional guidance.

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